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While the herb and spice oils are a little more diverse, they do share some important things in common. They are great for immune support as they contain antibacterial and antiviral properties. Because of this, many of these oils are great to add to your cleaning products.
Another trait they share is that they are analgesic (provide paiin relief) and have anti-inflammatory properties. Some are especially good at calming and aiding digestive discomfort.
All of these oils can be used aromatically, topically, and internally (with the exception of Tulsi (Holy Basil) and Wintergreen which should not be used internally). So add some extra flavor to your food and drinks (note the 2 exceptions), but remember, a little goes a long way.
Caution: It should be noted that some of these oils are considered "hot", or could cause skin sensitivity if applied directly to the skin. It is advised that these oils be diluted with a carrier oil before topical application. Hot oils that MUST be diluted include: Cassia, Cinnamon Bark, Clove, Oregano, and Thyme. Oils that could cause skin sensitivity, where dilution is recommended include: Black Pepper, Celery Seed, Ginger, Tulsi (Holy Basil) and Wintergreen.
dōTERRA Herb/Spice Oils
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