Trinity Healing
Connection, LLC
Animal Communication, Energy Healing
Sacred Healing Crystals, Essential Oils
Welcome to Trinity Healing Connection, LLC, your source for animal communication, energy healing, essential oils, and sacred healing crystals.
Animal communication services are available in person (upon request) or can be done remotely, for the comfort of you and your animal. For additional information, go to Services/Animal Communication.
Energy healing is a non-invasive, touch-free method that is available for both people and animals. Click on Services/Energy Healing for more information.
In addition, essential oils and sacred healing crystals are available for people and animals to help them continue on their healing journey. Go to the Services /Healing Crystals or Essential Oils pages for more information. Check out the Store for pet products, sacred healing crystals, and essential oils that are available for purchase.

Animal Communication

Energy Healing

doTERRA essential oils

Animal Communication
Trinity Healing Testimonials
Energy Healing
I’ve learned reiki myself and have worked with many healers through the years so I’m familiar with healing and energy work and experienced many healing sessions from others in the past however none were as accurate, detailed and actually had results, instantly! She is so amazing that I introduced her to my family and friends who saw improvements after their sessions with her. Highly recommend!
Animal Communication
Hi Stacey,
We (my partner and I) just wanted to thank you again for your help communicating with our dog, Beau -- the session's been of immense help, especially this week.
During the session, you mentioned that Beau spoke of being able to see dead people, and we knew from prior sessions that he is exceptionally sensitive to death. This week, our 98-year old neighbor passed away. Her health had been declining, and in her own words, "I've been ready for the Lord to take me for years." She passed at home, surrounded by family. As you can imagine, having the opportunity to communicate with Beau about spirit people and death right before this all happened was of immense help.
There's more: Our neighbor had lived in her house since 1949, and had a life's worth of relationships based here. On Sunday and Monday, spirit people began to appear in greater numbers in our yard and in our house, including the original owners of our house. Monday night, several spirit people were here at the same time, and they began to gather in a circle, and as Monday evening went on, more and more spirit people joined the circle-- all of them to be with our neighbor as she crossed over. It was beautiful. The energetic outer arc of the circle was inside our house. I explained to Beau, as best I could, what was happening. I told him the spirit people had come to help our neighbor cross over, that no one crosses alone. At ~2:30am, Beau began to shake in fear uncontrollably-- not something he's ever done before in his safe place with us all in the room. We invited him up onto the bed to sleep with us, we comforted him and gave him Rescue Remedy, and he shook until about 3:15a before he fell back asleep. We found out later that our neighbor had passed that night, between 2am-3am.
We're so thankful for the session before this happened-- we were able to support him much better in the lead-up, during, and the days after her death, and be more proactive than retroactive in helping him feel safe. We think it made a world of difference to him.
We just wanted to extend our gratitude and thanks, for sharing your gift with fur families like ours. :)
Thank you
Beginning Animal Communication Workshop
From a client who completed the Beginning Animal Communication Workshop:
I wanted to share with you an experience I had with Bella on Sunday evening. Something about her just didn’t look right to me for a couple of days, but she was still eating, drinking, and playful. But, her eyes were “off”.
So, Sunday night, we were cuddling up and watching tv. I was holding her like a newborn baby... and telepathically I asked her to let me know if she was ok or not. She softly vocalized an answer. As I rubbed her stomach, I suddenly felt a bit nauseous. When I took my hand off of her, my nausea was gone. I looked down and she was staring at me and I knew I had my validation. I put my hand back on her stomach and again, I felt her nausea.
She allowed me to help by applying a tiny bit of peppermint oil and massaging into her tummy. She’s so much better now.
Thank you for helping me to learn and connect.
Essential Oils
I met Stacey Ferrell about a year and a half ago. At that time I was not feeling well. She offered me a sample of Breathe which was of great help. I was hooked. Over the last year and a half Stacey has been very knowledgeable in answering questions I have.
Most recently after an emergency room visit, I was diagnosed on December 19th with seven kidney stones. Upon further visits with a Urologist, I was scheduled for surgery on January 28th to remove any stones and blast the ones that were too large to pass (one of which was between 7-8 mm). Meanwhile Stacey advised me of oils to take internally as well as a spinal protocol with a number of oils to use together to try and reduce the size of the stones prior to the surgery date. I began taking the oils daily and doing the spinal protocol every other day on 12/21/19. About 4 weeks later, I felt at least 1 stone pass on its own. I was quite pleased when I was advised on January 28th that the surgery was cancelled as there were no stones to remove or blast. One of the first few people I wanted to tell was Stacey. Another success story for Stacey. I am thankful for having met her. Her knowledge of Doterra oils is phenomenal!
V. Reiser
Animal Communication
She was informative, professional, and clear in her communication with our cat. She was able to ascertain health issues with him that no vet had mentioned prior and ultimately proved fatal for him. She answered our questions and was able to convey our thoughts to our beloved pet.
Though a sad outcome it did add a modicum to the closure of the situation for us.
I highly recommend Trinity Healing.
Diego H.
Essential Oils
We were very fortunate to have met Stacey Ferrell, Trinity Healing/Animal Communications. She came at a time when I was ill. With Her guidance and knowledge of essential oils, I was able to start feeling better. Over the course of the last year, we both have benefited from her knowledge of essential oils.
We have also learned from Stacey that animals benefit from some essential oils as well. Bella, our dog, and three alpacas have benefited from Stacey's guidance. Her insight was valuable to us, as well as to our animals. We would highly recommend her services to those seeking some direction and valuable knowledge.
Valerie & Brian, Owners at Plum Creek Alpacas
Animal Communication
You are our hero!
All is well! No issues with pee outside of the litter box!
Thank you so much for the insight and action plan for the cats and I! Right after you and I spoke on Friday afternoon, I fed the cats the canned food they prefer and they ate it all and were quite content. The energy in the house shifted shortly thereafter and is quite peaceful now. Many thanks to you from all of us!!
I’ve got to tell you, the tip you gave me to visualize the cats using the litter box whenever I clean up an accident or think about an area that has been compromised was SO HELPFUL. I found that my thoughts had been at an OCD level. Automatic negative thoughts consistently on a loop. By making myself re-direct and visualize the correct behavior I was able to see how I was also part of the root cause. I’m now focusing on correct behavior and sending gratitude and love.
Thank you, thank you!
S. Simonson
Animal Communication & Essential Oils
My dog Pez was suffering from sleepness nights, crying and waking me up. Stacey communicated with Pez and told me that Pez was suffering from night blindness. After taking him to the vet and confirming the night blindness, I was amazed that Stacey was on the money. She also recommended lavender essential oils to help him sleep. Thanks to Stacey, Pez is sleeping through the night. I also leave the night light on for Pez, like Stacey recommended.
Thank you.
A. Portolano
Energy Healing
My belief in any form of medicine depends on the results I have to the treatment. I strongly believe that there is more to healing than what conventional medicine can provide. What I have experienced with energy healing with Stacey has been surprising. I have extremely damaged nerves and tendons in my hands. I am facing my 10th surgery soon and am unable to take even over-the-counter pain medication for extended time periods. I have suffered with pain for most of the last 25 years, with the last 10 years being the worst.
I found pain relief the first session and the relief has gone deeper into the tissue so that I obtain longer relief. Trying to explain what I feel and how it works is complicated. I have felt heaviness and tingling with almost shock like charges while getting my treatments. I feel heat at times and have actually felt my hands buzz. There have been a couple of times where I have felt a sharp pain and Stacey has felt it at the same time, like I was transferring the pain to her. We are so in tune now that Stacey can tell me where she feels that my pain is at that moment, and she has been right each time. I feel the pain and soreness being pulled out of my hands. I know it sounds unlikely, but I know what relief I have gotten, and I would recommend to anyone to open their minds, and accept what energy healing can do.
T.M. Simpson
Energy Healing
I recently injured my knee requiring major surgery, and was in an enormous amount of pain. At first, I was skeptical to try energy healing, but thought, "What the heck, maybe it could help me heal faster". Stacey introduced me to two types of energy healing, in person and remote healing. Being somewhat skeptical at first, I was looking for evidence that it was working, so I asked Stacey to track the remote healing times. When we compared notes, astoundingly, I found that we had written down the same times! Not only was I impressed, but both my physical therapist and my surgeon were amazed at my accelerated recovery and lack of pain. I was granted a full release from my surgeon at 6 months, less than half the normal time of this type of surgery. I was able to return to my hobbies, interest and activities. Stacey's healing has changed my life in a very positive way.
Chris Pinto
Animal Communication
My name is Karen Hetrick, I am the proud owner of a beautiful Chow/Chocolate Lab. My dogs name is Tedi. I got her as a puppy in 1998 she is currently 13 years old. She was basically my husband's dog until the year 2006 when he suddenly died in a tragic accident. We both mourned the loss of my wonderful husband. Since then we have currently moved and I have recently remarried and we are living happily in the Central Valley of California. During the spring of 2011 Tedi started some very unusual behavior. During the night she was constantly waking us up by sitting by our bedside and whining loudly until we woke up and gave her some attention. She was also at our side and under our chairs throughout the day. Tedi was so insecure we ended up taking her to our local vet and they prescribed doggie downers. This worked (for us) she would get so tired (medicated) basically passing out. This continued for approximately two months. I went on a trip and left her with my husband for two weeks and he took her off of the medication. Her behavior started up again.
I went on line and found Stacey Ferrell's web site. I thought what could it hurt? I sent Stacey an email and she quickly responded and set up an appointment. My husband was VERY reluctant but he agreed to drop off Tedi and myself for a visit to Stacey. It was an amazing experience. Tedi took a few minutes to realize that I was not dropping her off, and she warmed up to Stacey. During our visit I learned some very important tools to help with my furry friend's worries and daily life. I am continuing these tools daily. Tedi and I are extremely close, and have been through quite a few life changing events. Stacey has helped to give Tedi a more peaceful quality of life and us as well. We now are getting FULL nights rest. Tedi gets her daily walks and is now reassured we are not going anywhere. My husband was so thrilled with the appointment. I feel this experience has also given him an open mind and realized that our gal Tedi has a job and purpose. She is an amazing animal and part of our family. I cannot thank Stacey enough for helping us with our troubled girl Tedi. Thank you, thank you, thank you.
Karen Hetrick
Healing Crystals
On custom order jewelry:
Higher states of mediation have been achieved. There has been a lot of emotional cleansing and voicing of words that I would not have otherwise stated to others. In essence, a lot of truth is being spoken in circumstances I would have otherwise stayed silent and a lot of old patterns and relationships are being renounced along with old ideas, thoughts, and conclusions. On a physical level, I notice I am getting more receptivity in my Yoga Asana practices and my heart rate has stabilized to 55 beats per minute.
D. Armstrong