Not only can you wear crystals to receive the benefits of their healing vibration, you can also use them to make healing elixirs or salves. This is just another way to use the crystals to continue your healing journey. Plus, you can use multiple crystals in one elixir/salve (up to 3 is recommended), where it might be difficult to wear that many crystals. This blog will focus on elixirs.
There are two ways to make an elixir, the direct method and indirect method. You will need:
Crystal or crystals whose vibrations you want to transfer to the elixir
A clean glass or food-safe ceramic bowl (for the indirect method you will need 2 glasses/bowls, one larger, one smaller)
Two clean dark colored glass bottles (one larger, one smaller)
Clean glass dropper, optional (to fit the smaller glass bottle)
Spring or distilled water
Vodka, Brandy (80 proof or higher) or vinegar (any type)
Sunlight, moonlight, or sacred space
To make the elixir:
Cleanse the crystal(s) you will be using. You don’t want to charge the elixir with any negative vibrations that were previously absorbed by the crystal.
Take your items where you will be making the elixir, and place the large bowl there.
Place your crystal(s) inside the large bowl and pour the water over the crystal (direct method). If you are not sure whether there are any toxic elements to the crystal, instead pour the water in the large bowl, and then place the crystal in the small bowl. Place the small bowl into the larger bowl, making sure none of the water spills over the top into the small bowl containing the crystal (crystal must remain dry). This is the indirect method.
If you desire, state your intention (the reason for making the elixir) and ask for the highest good of all concerned.
Leave the container(s) in the sunlight, moonlight or sacred space for at least 4 hours or more.
Afterwards, remove the crystal and smaller bowl (if used) and carefully pour the charged water from the larger bowl into the larger glass bottle, filling hallway. This charged water is known as mother essence or mother tincture.
Fill the rest of the bottle with vodka, brandy or vinegar to act as a preservative. Seal the bottle. This formula is known as the crystal elixir. Store in a cool, dark place.
Fill the small bottle with the charged water for immediate use. Use additional spring or distilled water to dilute it, if desired. This formula is known as crystal water. Store in a cook, dark place.
Some of the ways that you can use gem elixirs are: ingest orally (3-4 drops, 3 times a day), rub onto pressure points/chakra points (up to 6 drops), as a spray (5 drops), or in bathwater (12-20 drops).
There are some cautionary notes that I need to mention. When wearing a crystal, if you feel any side-effects, you can simply take the crystal off. However, when ingesting an elixir, you must wait for the elixir to work its way out of your system before feeling relief from an unwanted side-effects. There are also some crystals that are toxic, and should NEVER be used when making elixirs (see list below). If there is any doubt whether the crystal is safe, use the indirect method only or don’t use the crystal. Crystals from the quartz family tend to be safe. Do your research in advance!
Crystals that are toxic:
Adamite, Auricalcite, Smithsonite (zinc and copper)
Amber, Opal (contains toxic dust and fumes)
Amazonite, Atacamite, Azurite, Bronchanite, Chalcantite, Chrysocolla, Copper, Cuprite, Diopside, Dioptase, Eliat Stone, Gem Silica, Malachite (contains copper)
Angelite (contains lead and sulphur)
Boji stones, Cerrusite, Sulphur (contains sulphur)
Chalcopyrite or peacock stone (contains copper and sulphur)
Cinnabar (contains mercury)
Coral, Mother of Pearl (contains bacteria)
Emerald, Garnet, Hiddenite, Iolite, Kunzite, Kyanite, Labradorite, Moldavite, Moonstone, Ruby, Sapphire, Sodalite, Spinel, Topaz, Variscite (contains aluminum)
Galena, Galenite, Rhodocrosite, Stibnite, Vanadanite, Wulfenite (contains lead)
Garnierite (contains nickel)
Hematite, Magnetite (contains iron)
Lapis Lazuli (contains copper and sulphur)
Meteorite, Pyrite (contains unknown toxic substances)
Mohawkite (contains copper and arsenic)
Realgar (contains sulphur and arsenic)
Tiger’s Eye (contains asbestos)
Turquoise (contains copper and aluminum)
Uranium, Zircon (contains radioactive material)